A serum formulated to eliminate pigmentation and brighten the skin for a flawless, radiant complexion.
1+1 free ( add 2 in cart )
A sunscreen cream with SPF 50 that protects the skin from the damage of exposure to both types of ultraviolet rays.
A face wash that deeply cleanses normal skin to remove dirt and impurities and prevent clogged pores.
A velvet-textured serum to tighten and fill wrinkles, rejuvenating cells both internally and externally
Perlamar Extract, with its minerals and vitamins, provides balance to devitalised
A scrub that revitalizes the skin and eliminates dead cells, promoting perfect, flawless skin.
A cream designed to care for the lips and the skin around the eyes, it works to reduce wrinkles and renew skin cells.
Perlamar Divine Touch Face Mask is suitable for aging skin types
Perlamar ED Anti-hair loss shampoo for daily use strengthens hair from its roots and protects against hair loss
Oily skin cream works as an anti-insomnia and anti-bacterial
A cream that soothes the skin and relieves symptoms of irritation and inflammation, providing a comforting sensation.
An emulsion that deeply moisturizes the skin while effectively eliminating signs of aging, leaving you with healthier, more radiant skin.
An emulsion for oily, tired, and stressed skin that helps reduce signs of aging and enhances its vitality and freshness.
A moisturizing cream that hydrates dry and very dry skin deeply, leaving your skin looking healthy and radiant.
A mask that cleanses and purifies the skin and protects it from external factors to maintain its health and freshness.
A serum that moisturizes and protects the skin from signs of dryness, allowing you to enjoy healthier, fresher, and more vibrant skin.
A cream that helps rejuvenate dull and tired skin and reduce signs of aging to give you more youthful and vibrant skin.
A serum that helps to control skin shine and minimizes large pores.
A gel for the skin around the eyes that is used to combat signs of aging and provide younger-looking skin.
A mask used to rejuvenate and purify pale and dull skin to enhance its vitality and health.
A cream that enhances skin health while controlling shine and excessive oily secretions.
A cream that reduces pigmentation and dark spots to give you bright and uniform skin.
These ampoules help to plump and moisturize the skin, promoting a healthier, more radiant complexion.
A mask that purifies the skin and eliminates impurities, leaving you with clean, healthy, and vibrant skin.
These ampoules help to firm the skin and boost skin radiance to get flawless skin before events
A conditioner that strengthens hair and protects against loss, allowing you to enjoy healthy, softer, and shinier hair.
A serum that effectively tightens the skin and combats signs of aging, resulting in youthful and beautiful skin.
A sheet mask that helps purify and cleanse oily skin, while controlling oily secretions, for a cleaner, fresher, and more vibrant complexion.
A sheet mask that helps purify and cleanse oily skin, while controlling oily secretions, for a cleaner, fresher, and more vibrant complexion.
A concentrated lotion that works to get rid of acne and prevent the appearance of new pimples and pimples.
An emulsion that effectively lightens the skin and eliminates pigmentation and dark spot
A cream that helps nourish and moisturize all skin types, especially combination skin, leaving it looking radiant and glowy.
This oil is used to improve skin appearance and reduce the appearance of stretch marks.
Perlamar Divine Touch Cream - 50 ml
A milky cleanser that is designed to deeply cleanse oily and acne-prone skin while regulating excess oil production.
Soothing anti-aging tonic is specially formulated to gently rebalance the skin’s pH-level after cleansing
Perlamar Cellulite Firming Emulsion is a dual action cream that dissolves the accumulated fat under the skin, tightens and moisturizes the body
Perlamar Divine Touch Emulsion is the perfect choice to care for combination and combination skin, protect it from wrinkles and nourish it to keep it looking fresh and youthful looking.
A milky cleanser that gently yet deeply cleanses sensitive skin to maintain its health.
An anti-dandruff shower and hair shampoo that has a soothing effect on an itchy scalp
Perlamar Ocean Eye Roll-on prevents eye puffiness and treats wrinkles
Perlamar Ocean Line Mattifying fluid 30ml
Perlamar Anti-Aging Lightweight Non-Greasy Moisturizing Balm caters to the specific needs of dry men's skin.
A double-action cream melts the accumulated fat Ultra-nourishing body oil that helps tone and firm the skin Derma Roller is an easy-to-use device for body
Perlamar Oyster Mask + Oyster Concentrate + Soft Peeling Offer Package


لأن صحة بشرتك تهمنا تقدم لك صيدلية فارما لايف مجموعة متنوعة من منتجات بيرلامار وهي منتجات تجميلية مستخلصة من المكونات البحرية لتمنحك بشرة نضرة وصحية.

توفر لك بيرلامار عدة مجموعات تناسب احتياج كل نوع من أنواع البشرة:

 بيرلامار اكوا ريتش: تساعد مجموعة بيرلامار اكوا ريتش على محاربة علامات التقدم في العمر وهي تحتوي على سيروم مركز، كريم ليلي ونهاري، ومستحلب.

  يساعد سيروم بيرلامار اكوا ريتش المناسب لجميع أنواع البشرة على إخفاء الخطوط التعبيرية وترطيب البشرة بشكل عميق يدوم لمدة 24 ساعة بفضل احتوائه على حمض الهيالورنيك واليوريا.

بيرلامار يونيك: تناسب مجموعة بيرلامار يونيك البشرة الباهتة والمتعبة فهي تعمل على تنشيط الخلايا وتغذية البشرة لتمنحك بشرة أكثر شباباً وحيوية، تحتوي مجموعة يونيك على: مستحلب وسيروم جل وكريم يونيك المميز للعيون والمنطقة حول الفم.

 بيرلامار اويستر: تم تصميم مجموعة منتجات بيرلامار اويستر لتناسب احتياجات البشرة المختلطة والدهنية، تعمل هذه المجموعة على تنقية مسام البشرة وتقليل حجم المسام الواسعة كما أنها تساعد أيضاً على التحكم في الإفرازات الدهنية الزائدة.

يتميز كريم بيرلامار أويستر بأنه غني بمكونات طبيعية مستخلصة من الكافيار البحري تساعد على مقاومة الخطوط والتجاعيد.


بيرلامار وايتنر: تساعد مجموعة بيرلامار وايتنر على إزالة التصبغات وتفتيح البشرة، يقوم كريم بيرلامار للتفتيح بإزالة آثار الحبوب والتخلص من البقع الداكنة ليمنحك بشرة موحدة وخالية من العيوب.


لا تتردد في استشارة صيدليه فارما لايف لمعرفة منتجات بيرلامار التي تناسب نوع بشرتك.

تمتع بالتسوق وأحصل على أفضل العروض مع خدمة توصيل صيدلية مجاناً عند شرائك من صيدليه فارما لايف أفضل صيدليات الكويت.

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