Viola Active Silk Nutri Hair Cream 250 ml

Nourishing volumizing restructuring hair cream, for fine and damaged hair



SKU: 1218945

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Viola Active Silk Nutri Hair Cream 250 ml to nourish hair

• Viola Active Silk Nutri Hair Cream deeply nourishes hair thanks to precious plant oils.
• Proteins strengthen and restructure hair leaving it full body, healthy and shiny.

• Viola Active Silk Nutri Cream contains:
- Silk proteins: Moisturizing, protective, and nourishing properties on hair. They retain water on the upper layers of the hair for voluminous, hydrated, strong, and healthy hair.
- Milk proteins: Moisturize and nourish the hair, leaving it shiny and soft.
- Cotton oil: Antioxidant, with protective, soothing, balancing, and nourishing action.
The oil's high concentration of ceramides makes cotton oil a highly effective hair care product. It gives the hair moisture and elasticity.
- Wheat proteins: Also known as "Phyto keratin" for being structurally similar to keratin. They fortify, moisturize, nourish, and repair hair.
- Rice oil: Nourishing and antioxidant action.
- Avocado oil: Moisturizing and nourishing. It helps to restore scalp well-being. It provides shine and softness.
- Argan Oil: Intensively nourishes the hair. Detangling, anti-frizz. It prevents the formation of split ends.

Active ingredients:
Silk proteins, Milk proteins, Cotton oil, Rice oil, Argan Oil, Avocado oil, Wheat Proteins.

• Viola Active Silk Nutri Hair Cream moisturizes and nourishes the hair.
• It protects the hair.
• It increases hair volume and shine and reduces frizz.

How To Use:
• Apply Viola Active Silk Nutri Hair Cream to wet scalp.
• Massage gently and leave it for 5 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

Points Of Interest:
• For external use only.
• Avoid direct contact with eyes.

Made in:

250 ml

Store at room temperature.
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